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Orthetrum caledonicum
(Blue Skimmer)
The Blue Skimmer is found throughout Australia including Tasmania. They inhabit a wide range of still and moving water, including temporary water. The females are completely different in colour.

Diplacodes bipunctata
(Wandering Percher)
The wandering percher inhabits a large range of still and sluggish water, including temporary ponds and swamps. They are found all over Australia as well as Indonesia, New Zealand and the south-west Pacific.

Hemianax papuensis
(Australian Emperor)
A large dragonfly which is found throughout Australia. This is the only Australian species of the genus - only one other is known and that is from Africa, Europe and Asia. The larvae inhabit a wide range of still waters but may be also found in slow moving streams.

Ischnura heterosticta
(Common Bluetail)
Another species which is found throughout Australia in still and sluggish waters, including temporary ponds. They have been reported to be salt tolerant.

Nycterera amicus
(Magpie Moth)
The Magpie Moth is found throughout Australia, south-east Asia and Oceania. It is frequently seen flying during the day. The caterpillar is hairy, dark blue with orange stripes and has 2 prominent hair pencils on the head. It feeds on a variety of senico plants. Their food plants contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids making the caterpillars unpleasant to taste and poisonous to birds. (Photo courtesy H.Bawden)

Zizina labradus
(Common Grass Blue)
The Common Grass Blue, as its name implies, is a common butterfly found throughout Australia. It is a small butterfly that flutters along near to the ground.

Taractrocera papyria
(White-banded Grass-dart)
This little butterfly is a grassland butterfly and it's caterpillars like to feed on native grasses. This little fellow was seen fluttering about among the native grasses near Osborne's Hut on a lovely November day. (Photo courtesy of S. Pounsett)

Ischnura aurora
(Aurora Bluetail)
A small to tiny vagrant species which is found all over Australia in still and sluggish waters, the Aurora Bluetail is a colourful, but hard to spot damselfly.