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Adenanthos sericeus
Adenanthos sericeus is more commonly known as Woolly Bush. Usually grown for its soft silvery-grey foliage. It bears inconspicuous red flowers and responds well to pruning.

Alogyne hakeifolia
Alogyne hakeifolia has thin leaves and white flowers. Also known as Native Hibiscus. It is attractive to both birds and butterflies. It is drought tolerant and responds well to pruning. The Lake Mac specimen is growing in the garden bed on the right hand side of the drive

Alogyne huegelii
Another Native Hibiscus this one being purple. A fast growing and very ornamental plant which is drought tolerant. It is also attractive to birds and butterflies and responds well to pruning. It is growing in the same garden bed as the Alogyne hakeifolia.

Banksia coccinea
Banksia coccinea is known as the Scarlet Banksia, and is one of the showy Western Australian banksias. The one specimen growing at the lake is beside the Interpretive Centre. Banksia plants come in all shapes, sizes and colours. They respond well to pruning and are very attractive to honeyeaters.

Banksia ericifolia
Banksia ericifolia is also known as the Heath-leaved Banksia. It is indigenous to NSW and is one of the most widely known banksias. They are very attractive to insects and birds as are all banksias.

Banksia praemorsa
Banksia praemorsa is also known as the Cut-leaf Banksia. It comes in bright yellow or burgundy forms and flowers through winter, spring and summer. A dense bush that provides birds with nectar as well as refuge.

Banksia sp.
There are several different species of banksia planted around the lake, including bushes, trees and ground covers. They are all attractive to insects and birds because of the large amounts of nectar they produce. Most are ornamental and some are used in the cut flower trade. Most respond well to pruning.

Banksia speciosa
Banksia speciosa is also known as the Showy Banksia and is widely cultivated for the cut flower trade. It grows into a large shrub or small tree and as the photo shows is very attractive to honeyeaters. Our specimen grows around the back of the lake.

Banksia blechnifolia
Banksia blechnifolia is a prostrate ground cover banksia with interesting serrated foliage and large ornamental flowers. Flowers prolifically in winter and spring.

Banksia marginata
Banksia marginata is commonly known as the Silver Banksia. It is local to our area and is unique in the fact that the seeds do not need fire or heat to be released. flowers soaked in water were used by the local indigenous population as a sweet drink.

Callistemon 'Pink Champagne'
Callistemons come in many shapes, sizes and colours. A good addition in any garden for attracting birds. This specimen can be found in the garden bed at the back of the lake.

Callistemon sp.
An old fashioned variety which has survived at the lake for many years. A fairly dense bush which provides shelter as well as food for native birds.

Allocasuarina verticillata
Also known as Drooping Sheoak. Pre European settlement this species was the predominant tree along our coastal region. It makes an excellent windbreak and is suitable as a screen or hedge.

Correa reflexa
A great bird attracting shrub which comes in all shapes and sizes. Colours range from white through to greens, yellows, pinks and reds. Can be pruned and will flower in the shade. The tubular bell flowers are irresistible to honeyeaters.

Correa baeuerlenii
Also called the Chef's Cap Correa because of the shape of the flowers. A dense rounded shrub that is unique in its colour, and the bell shaped flowers are ideal for honeyeaters as the photo shows. A rarer shrub not often seen in gardens.

Crowea saligna
Also called the Willow-leaved Crowea. It is a small ornamental shrub and a native of NSW. It nearly always has flowers which makes it an ideal garden plant. Readily available at nurseries.

Eucalyptus leucoxylon ssp. megalocarpa
This is the local sub-species of the South Australian Blue Gum. This is the most widely represented eucalypt at the lake.

Eucalyptus leucoxylon ssp. megalocarpa
Megalocarpa means large flowers and these range in colour from white through to all shades of pink. They are very attractive to native birds including lorikeets and honeyeaters.

Eucalyptus albopurpurea
Two specimens of this species are present at the lake. This species is unique within the eucalyptus family because of the colour of the flowers.

Eucalyptus obliqua
Also known as Messmate Stringybark. One of the few original trees at the lake still clinging to life. With care and protection it is possible that these low branches with new foliage will take root and become new trees.

Native Grasses
This is a collection of local native grasses most of which supply habitat for our native butterflies. This group of grasses was planted by a group of students from our local High School who raised the plants from seed they collected locally as part of their studies.

Ficina nodosa
Better known as Knobby Clubrush. A local grassy sedge that self seeds and forms a colony. It provides ideal habitat for native wildlife such as swamp rats and lizards.

Melaleuca sp.
The photo shows two types of melaleuca - the one on the right is M.halmaturorum (Saltwater Paperbark), and on the left is M. huegelii (Chenille Honey-myrtle). These flank the covered walkway part of the walking path. The Saltwater paperbark was used by the local indigenous peoples for wrapping their newborn babies. It used to be very common around our swamps

Melaleuca huegelii
The Chenille Honey-myrtle has masses of flowers in winter which attract insects as well as birds.

Amyema sp.
This is commonly known as Mistletoe. Although it is a parasite it does not kill the host tree. It provides food for birds and butterflies. The Mistletoebird is an important ally for the mistletoe to be able to propogate and spread.

Olearia axillaris
This is also known as Coastal Olearia. It is a local native with aromatic foliage which was used as an insect repellant by the local indigenous population.

Acacia sp.
The wattle trees at Lake McIntyre mainly consist of Acacia pycnantha (Golden Wattle). The wattles provide gum for butterflies and other insects. The gum was also used by the local indigenous people as an adhesive, and it was also eaten. The seeds were also used as a food source and they are proving to be a popular ingredient in many types of cooking today.

Westringa fruiticosa
This is also known as Native or Coastal Rosemary. It is a dense shrub which provides good habitat for insects and birds. It is useful for screening and hedging and tolerates a coastal environment. Flowers throughout the year but mostly in November.

Agonis flexuosa
This is commonly known as Willow Myrtle. It is a widely cultivated species with a graceful weeping habit and grows very well in the sandy soils of our coastal region.

Agonis flexuosa 'Nana'
Also known as Willow Peppermint, it is a dwarf shrub with very dense foliage. It makes an excellent hedge or low screen and provides great habitat for wildlife.

Triglochin procera
Also known as Water Ribbon. This is a profuse plant growing in shallow water. It is very important in providing habitat for invertebrates living in the water. It is also very important for water birds, providing shelter and nesting sites as this Australasian Grebe below shows.

Caladenia latifolia
Caladenia latifolia, commonly known as Pink Fairies, is reasonably common and widespread in near coastal areas of southern Australia and northern Tasmania. It has a single hairy leaf up to 15cm long, and up to four pink flowers on a tall spike produced in spring from a deeply buried bulb. The flowers are pollinated by native beetles and bees. The patch of Pink Fairies at Lake McIntyre is located near the large viewing platform in the grass. A keen look out is kept for the emerging leaves in early spring and when sighted the mowing of the grass in that area is stopped and temporary fencing is put up to ensure the small and delicate orchids are not accidentily mown or trampled on.