The severe storm that blew through on November 11th created quite lot of work for the small but hard working crew of volunteers that maintain the lake
and its surrounds.
There were quite a number of trees that were completely blown over, and many more that lost branches, both large and small.
The small band of volunteers that attended the clean-up the following day ensured the safety of the lake users, and removed the worst of the fallen trees.
The clean-up was continuing right up to the sudden state lock-down on Wednesday 18th due to the COVID 19 scare.
Once the gate opens again on Monday morning the clean up will continue, with the volunteers splitting their energies between the clean-up and the general
maintenance duties usually undertaken.
The Lake McIntyre Management Committee is grateful for the committment and enthusiasm shown by the small band of vital volunteers, and we say a huge thanks
to them all.
I have added some photos of the damage and the clean-up.
Photo shows a tree broken off and fallen across the road at the rear of the lake.
Photo shows large branch fallen on the garden near Foster’s Hill
Two of our volunteers clearing a tree from the back road
Volunteers working to clean up a fallen tree near Foster’s Hill
Clearing the path to Down’s Island
The path to Down’s Island after the clean-up