For the past few years, at the start of spring, the volunteers at the lake have been erecting a temporary fence around a patch of ground near the large
viewing platform. This action is to protect a patch of native orchids which have appeared, and increased in number, to ensure that they do not get
mown down when cutting the grass arouind the BBQs.
The common name for this species of orchid is pink fairies. The scientific name is Caladenia latifolia, and is a common and wide spread species in the
southern half of Australia, including Tasmania.
It has a single hairy leaf, and up to four pink flowers. It is easily recognisable by its large green leaf, and pink flowers on an unusually tall spike.
The number of plants in this area is slowly increasing, and this year there are quite a number of plants flowering.
Spring is a great time to get out and about at Lake McIntyre as so many of the plants are flowering now.