Latest Sightings

There is still plenty of water in the lake which is great for the visiting diving ducks, but not so great for the visiting snipe! The abundant water and food…

Latest Happenings

Lake McIntyre is kept looking so good by a small but dedicated group of volunteers who undertake the day to day tasks required to maintain the lake surrounds. Twice a…

New arrivals

The start of spring brings new arrivals to the lake, and so far we have welcomed a clutch of 5 baby Black Duck and more recently a cygnet. We have…

Snake Season

With the weather warming up a little now that it is spring, there are lots of things happening at the lake. This is the time of year for the snakes…

McArthur Park Kindy Visit

National Tree Day, sponsored by Planet Ark and Toyota, was celebrated at Lake McIntyre on 26th July, when 30 children from McArthur Park Kindy arrived to plant 18 trees. The…

Special Breeding Events

Well another surprising breeding event has taken place at the Lake over the summer. We have regularly had musk ducks call in to the lake and stay for awhile, but…

Banded Birds

In 1997 Adrian Boyle started a project banding birds to look at bird movements and populations at Lake McIntyre. In May 1998 a Brown Thornbill aged 1+ years was banded.…