The severe storm that blew through on November 11th created quite lot of work for the small but hard working crew of volunteers that maintain the lake and its surrounds.…
The Lake McIntyre Straw-necked Ibis population certainly haven’t heard of self-isolating or social-distancing. There have been flocks of several hundreds, even into the thousands, frequenting the lake over the last…
At the end of February, one of the Lake McIntyre volunteers noticed someone walking around the lake take an interest in something on the ground. She went to investigate, and…
The last Latham's Snipe survey was held Saturday 18th January, and at last we had some snipe to count! The water level has dropped significantly over the last couple of…
What a wonderful place Lake McIntyre is! It doesn't matter what time of the year or what time of the day you visit, there is always something interesting or unique…
On Sunday 1st December, the Lake McIntyre Committee hosted the Volunteers End Of Year BBQ, appropriately, at Lake McIntyre. The small but hard working group of volunteers, headed up by…
October and November provide visitors to the lake with loads of opportunities to witmess the courting behaviour of ducks, nesting Black Swans and Royal Spoonbills, as well as breeding events…
For the past few years, at the start of spring, the volunteers at the lake have been erecting a temporary fence around a patch of ground near the large viewing…
The wattles around the lake are providing a glorious vista of green and gold. They are also providing great feeding places for small birds such as silvereyes and thornbills. Both…